If a picture is worth 1000 words, What is worth 1000 pictures? *
Copyright Kinesthetic Classics. All rights reserved.
Contact: KinestheticClassics@gmail.com
"Kinesthetic Classics" and "If a picture is worth 1,000 words, what is worth 1,000 pictures?" are Registered in the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office
Press - Kinesthetic Classics (TM)
Sacramento Business Journal - Small Business Administration gives award to Kinesthetic Classics for "Home-Based Business of the Year" in the 17-county Sacramento District - May 6, 2016
Sactown Magazine - "Best of the City" - June 2015 - page 66
Sacramento News & Review - "Art Pick of the Week" - Sacramento News & Review (SN&R) selects Kinesthetic Classics - “featured artist” at Artists Collaborative Gallery in Old Town Sacramento.
Good Day Sacramento - Good Day Sacramento interviews Marcia Ruth of Kinesthetic Classics and the art display visitors are encourage to touch.
Sacramento Bee - "Encore Entrepreneurs" - "What are retiring boomers doing for an encore? Swelling ranks of Entrepreneurs" features several Sacramento residents starting new businesses based on lifetime of work and other experience - instead of "retirement."
Davis Enterprise - "Public Ground/ Private Grief" - Davis Arts Center exhibit of Marcia Ruth's photographs of "shrines" created by New Yorkers in days and weeks after "9/11 - creating physical (kinesthetic) manifestations of intense experience.
Life - Examples of Kinesthetic Perception in "The Real World"
San Francisco Chronicle - "A wall memorializing victims of gun violence would stretch 2 1/2 miles" - February 14, 2016
New York Times - "Are College Lectures Unfair?" - September 12, 2015
New York Times - "What's lost as Handwriting Fades?" - June 2, 2014
TED Talk - Sir Ken Robinson - "How Schools Kill Creativity" - August 29, 2013
Books - in Reverse Chronological Order to Indicate Progression of Acceptance of "Kinesthetic Learning" in Various Forms
Eide, Brock L. and Eide, Fernette F. The Dyslexic Advantage: Unlocking the Hidden Potential of the Dyslexic Brain. Penguin, NYC, 2012.
Wolf, Maryanne. Proust and the Squid: The Story and Science of the Reading Brain. Harper Collins, NYC, 2008.
Lillard, Angeline Stoll. Montessori: the Science Behind the Genius (Updated Edition). Oxford University Press, 2007.
Watson, Bruce. The Man who Changed how Boys and Toys were Made: The Life and Times of A.C. Gilbert. Penguin Books, NYC, 2002.
Wilson, Frank R. The Hand: How its Use Shapes the Brain, Language, and Human Culture. Random House, NYC, 1998.
Gardner, Howard. Frames of Mind: The Theory of Multiple Intelligences (Tenth Anniversary Edition). Harper Collins, NYC, 1993.
Dunn, Rita and Griggs, Shirley. Learning Styles: Quiet Revolution in American Secondary Schools. National Association of Secondary School Principles, Reston, VA, 1998.
Copyright Kinesthetic Classics and Marcia Ruth. All rights reserved.
Contact: KinestheticClassics@gmail.com